Sales force, a commonplace function.
October 02, 2017

Salesperson, sales assistant, customer manager, account manager, customer advisor - these are just some of the terms used to describe the importance of this profession, or how commonplace it is. Some would say that this function is becoming robotized. Or even doomed to disappear almost completely from our economic model. Is this an allegory of a purely digital vision, or a definite lack of humanism?
A profession doomed to disappear?
With the emergence of social networks, do you really think that human contact is being lost? Digitization, robotization, automation, computerization, artificial intelligence - so many factors eliminating human contact? Certainly, the sales force profession is undergoing a major restructuring, and so are its good old customs. For example, our emblematic customer lunch for signing up is being transformed into a simple moment of relaxation and loyalty-building. Today's customers are well-informed and specialized, and no longer need an advisor who doesn't know his stuff. The only certainty relates to a profession that has become increasingly demanding. On the one hand, it requires a thorough understanding of the products and services on offer. On the other hand, it requires outstanding professionalism and a predisposition for psychological and behavioral analysis.
We're certainly changing!
Old-fashioned telephone canvassing also has a tarnished reputation. The impact is almost non-existent, with only 1% of those canvassed signing. The business is being reinvented on social networks through marketing solutions fortuitously geared towards Return on Investment (ROI for the purists).
Has man lost his humanity? NO! In my opinion, the human touch has taken on considerable importance in the value chain of a product or service. In fact, it has become essential in the digital age. However, without professionalism, and without considering the points set out below, your reputation risks deteriorating at breakneck speed.
- Detecting & identifying potential customers
- Total mastery of your market & competitors
- Research & analysis of possible objections
- Precise, meticulous recruitment of a sales elite (the improvised "salesman" is to be banished from your strategy).
- In-depth control and monitoring of the sales force (failure analysis)
Customer experience first...
You could recruit Mr. DreamSeller and still not have much success. The adage of the sales professional who can sell a toothpick for CHF 15 is a thing of the past, even if seduction is a predominant success factor. In fact, differentiation through sales that offer a real customer experience is the key to success. Think customer! What's more, building an experience where the customer feels valued without realizing that a hidden sale is in progress is a task worthy of the greatest prestidigitators. But it can be done, and done well, with a good dose of thought.
What's certain is that the traditional "I offer" and "He disposes" sales approach should be banished from your global sales strategies. Whether you're a start-up or a well-established company, innovate! It's important to draw up a descriptive diagram of your products/services, while analyzing their added value, with the sole aim of creating a genuine consulting experience. However, a global strategy is not advisable when you have a heterogeneous target audience with a widely dispersed customer base. You'll have to adapt to the target.
Customer feedback, unquestionable value
A sales force strategy doesn't just magically appear out of a magician's hat. Analyze, test and orient your strategy according to your target population, while opting for a precise examination of your actions in the marketplace. The customer is king, and his opinion and feedback are of unquestionable value - so pass it on! Last but not least, we're often obsessed with the importance of sales, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) be damned... Stay zen!
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Agence BB® Switzerland Switzerland supports its customers in increasing the impact of their sales force.