Why use Google Ads?
October 11, 2017

Google Ads: be there when prospects are looking for you
Google works in two ways. The search engine offers natural results based on the user's keywords, as well as search-related commercial links.

Google Ads: an intelligent tool for generating sales
Google Ads is a complex and effective tool to help you win customers. It lets you promote your business yourself. In the previous post, we discussed the current transformation of the sales force. In this way, you reach Internet users in a relevant way on the results page. Qualified prospects, for example, click on your ad link to access your website and get in touch with you more easily: they're potential customers.
Google Ads: how does it work?
Google is a kind of powerful computer that reads and scans all the world's websites. Their computer is able to see images and text and index them. Indexing means that Google classifies sites according to theme, relevance, ergonomics, and so on. When you perform a search, their computer calculates, based on over 200 parameters, which sites would be most relevant to you. Google does the same for Display ads. A Display ad is a banner that is positioned on sites according to the target you want to impact. For example, if your company is looking to reach people interested in finance, then it would be relevant to place banners on financial news sites.
Mastery or nothing
As I said earlier, Google Ads is a fantastic tool, if used with care. As the tool is accessible to all, it may turn out that the money spent gets no return at all.
Are you active on Ads with poor results? Share your experience by commenting on this article.
Our agency, expert in digital strategy and communication, can help you implement an optimal strategy. Based on your needs, we identify the most relevant ads for precise, profitable results. In an upcoming article, we'll explain why Google Ads is the perfect tool for your business.