Google Ads: the tool for targeting your customers.

November 02, 2017

In our previous article, we showed you just how relevant Google Ads can be. Today, we're going to take a look at how Google Ads can be the perfect tool for your campaigns.

A message for a specific target

On the one hand, prospects looking for products or services will find you through commercial links. It's a simple and effective way for them to get in touch with your company. On the other hand, for you, it's a strategic way of reaching warm (qualified) prospects. What's more, it's possible to run pay-per-click campaigns. In other words, you let Google show your ads to the people most likely to click on them. You only pay when a prospect clicks, not on the volume of ads shown. It's also possible to create awareness campaigns to show ads to as many prospects as possible. It's important to clearly define your target audience and adapt your ad text accordingly. It's worth remembering that a relevant message addressed to the right person is a sine qua non for a successful marketing campaign.

Calculate return on advertising investment

With Google AdWords, it's possible to obtain the ROI (return on investment) of a campaign. It's called ROAS, which translates as return on advertising investment. It's an essential piece of data that we present to our customers: for every franc spent, here's what it brings in. Indeed, with our customers we manage tight budgets, and this calls for real financial discipline. It's perfectly normal for management to demand precise returns on investment for every advertising expense incurred. With each campaign, Google Adwords creates and sorts a large amount of data. With this data, we have a number of "metrics" which we put together to understand campaign performance more clearly. What's more, thanks to the precision and speed of access to these metrics, we provide optimization work to improve business results. Because we know in real time which ads are performing best, we can tailor the budget to the best-performing campaigns.

Real-time metrics

We offer the possibility of viewing detailed results. Such as traffic, newsletter subscriptions, sales by product, etc., all in real time. We're able to determine the performance of each ad at any given moment, with the aim of immediately improving marketing efforts. It's for all these reasons that we find Google AdWords a formidable and efficient tool! It's a powerful, high-performance tool. Coupled with our expertise, we can point you in the right direction.

Real-time metrics is a tool for tracking the number of visitors to your site. This enables you to evaluate your site's performance and optimize your marketing strategy.

Social media monitoring or SMO is a tool for measuring the effectiveness of your digital strategy. It helps you identify the most effective social channels and measure the impact of your actions.

Social search engine optimization, or SEO on social networks, is a technique for increasing a company's visibility through interactions with Internet users. Social referencing is therefore a way for your company to be more visible on social networks.

Social media monitoring or SMO is a tool for measuring the effectiveness of your digital strategy. It helps you identify the most effective social channels and measure the impact of your actions.

Achieve your web visibility objectives and generate qualified traffic

Advertising on Google Ads is a great way to attract traffic to your website and convert it into customers.
Google Ads are displayed on the Google search results page, and you can also see them in the top right-hand corner of the website. You can also find Google Ads on the Google Shopping search results page, the Google Maps search results page or the Google Shopping search results page.

We're a google ads agency specializing in the creation and optimization of search engine advertising campaigns. We specialize in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Advertising (SEA) and Social Media Optimization (SMO). Our campaigns help you find potential customers. We have the know-how to create landing pages that increase the chances of conversion.

Achieve your web visibility objectives and generate qualified traffic.
We can help you with all your web projects, whether a showcase site or an e-commerce site.

Digital campaign vs. traditional campaign?

Nothing in life is black and white. Marketing is no different. One of our customers, well established in Geneva and the surrounding area, used to run poster campaigns. He was skeptical about the usefulness of a digital campaign. We explained to him that we could create (with all the advantages that entails) a Google AdWords-type digital campaign. His main concern boiled down to one question: "Should I stop my traditional campaign, which gives me good visibility, in favor of an AdWords campaign? We answered in the negative!

We deploy an integrated campaign, which means that we use several communication media for an identical campaign. For example, we'll use the same visual with virtually the same message on sponsored posts on Facebook, on street posters, in display campaigns on Google AdWords, and so on.

Other benefits

It's also possible to create several different ads with a smaller budget. The idea is to study and understand which advertisement works best, and then turn it into a traditional campaign. In this way, we can determine which messages and offers perform best before launching a traditional campaign (street posters, for example), which is much more costly. Adding a digital component to an integrated campaign helps :

  • reinforcing the clarity of a message ;
  • increased purchasing intentions ;
  • brand memorization on classic media;

As a result, it's possible to increase the effectiveness of an urban advertising campaign via Google AdWords.

Relevance and audience

Social media managers are faced with a dilemma:

Should we choose to reach a wide audience, at the risk of wastage and irrelevance?


Should we choose relevance and be forced to narrow the field for a smaller audience?

Today, with Google AdWords, it's possible to implement these 2 distinct strategies at the same time. On the one hand, with ads, we can adapt targeting to any scope: local, communal, national or global. On the other hand, individual ads can be targeted according to a very precise segmentation linked to your target. All of which can be modified at any time. Another advantage is that when creating ads, we have no minimum budget, so we can start "slowly" and then increase budgets on the targeted ads that work best.

What budget should you use?

Whether your business is seasonal, night-time or a very specific niche, you choose your budget according to your needs and means. You can adjust your budget up or down at any time. Or, if your business is seasonal, you can simply stop it.
In any case, the maximum budget you set cannot be exceeded. In fact, once the limit is reached, Google will stop displaying your ads. In just a few steps, we'll help you promote your business on Europe's most popular search engine: Google.

Take advantage of our Google AdWords certified expert to set up and manage your digital marketing campaign.